Juniper Cannabis Local Disposables : Winter Edition

April 4, 2023

At Juniper Cannabis we’re passionate about community, the outdoors and supporting local business. So, in the spirit of a Bozeman Winter we asked our community to nominate their favorite local photographers for a film camera contest! After receiving more than 50 nominations, we randomly selected 10 Bozeman photographers to capture a month of their winter on a disposable camera.

Juniper Cannabis Local Disposables: Winter Edition

At Juniper Cannabis we’re passionate about community, the outdoors and supporting local business. So, in the spirit of a Bozeman Winter we asked our community to nominate their favorite local photographers for a film camera contest! After receiving more than 50 nominations, we randomly selected 10 Bozeman photographers to capture a month of their winter on a disposable camera.

Juniper Cannabis Film Camera Contest - March 30th, 2023 at Shine Beer Sanctuary

The Results

After a month of snapshots out and about the Gallatin Valley, the 10 Fujifilm cameras were returned to our downtown Bozeman dispensary to be developed. We prompted the participants with 5 winning categories to be voted on at the viewing party including:

  1. Best Action Shot : Grant Kennedy - @grennedy
  2. Most Creative : Shannon Corsi - @shannon.corsi
  3. Most Bozeman : Ben Weyer - @benjamin.weyer
  4. Best Selfie : Yuki Davidoff - @yuki_outside
  5. Best Landscape : (This was a close one, so we selected 2!) Richard Artibee - @artibeeworlds & Courtney McNiff - @courtney_mcniff
Yuki Davidoff - Best Selfie

Shannon Corsi - Most Creative featuring Lauren Woods

Grant Kennedy - Best Action

Courtney McNiff - Best Landscape

Richard Artibee - Best Landscape

‍Thank You

With over 100 community votes on Thursday night, we left with full hearts and lots of inspiration for more Juniper Cannabis Community Events. Thanks to Shine Beer Sanctuary for being wonderful hosts and partners for the event, and everyone who came out! 

Work With Juniper Cannabis

Our business is based in Bozeman and we are eager to participate in community activities. Our goal is providing excellent service and products, building strong relationships, promoting inclusivity and sustainability through our partnerships, and sharing our love for all things Montana. We believe in thriving small businesses, supporting local initiatives, and participating in local events. As residents of Bozeman, we take pride in preserving and strengthening our community  If you share our values and want to contribute to improving our community and the environment, we are interested in partnering with your brand. Contact us today!

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