With over 75 photographer nominations and 100+ attendees at the Shine viewing party last year, we knew that we had to host another round of the Local Disposables event. We're accepting photographer nominations for the fall edition of our disposable camera contest & community photo show now through October 7th (click the link below to nominate yourself, your favorite local photographer or your creative friends)! The 10, randomly selected participants will pick up their cameras starting October 7th & will be required to return cameras to the Juniper Cannabis Downtown Bozeman dispensary by November 4th for development. We'll be co-hosting this event with our friends at Shine on Thursday November 16th, from 5-8pm.
Be 21+
Participants must be 21 years of age or older.
Be Courteous
Make sure you ask permission before snapping a photo of your friend or a fellow Bozemanite.
Be Open
We’re going to share your images! By entering the contest, photographers agree that photos captured on their film will be displayed at the viewing party and may be used by Juniper for advertising. We’d love to credit the photographer in any way possible, so, if you’re selected please share with us your website or Instagram handle in the sign-up form!
Be Decent
Photos must not violate any of the below guidelines,or it will not be eligible:
No portrayal or implication of illegal activity.
No lewd or indecent language or images.
No sexual or violent content.
Each photographer's top images 10 photo will be displayed for judging during the viewing party at Shine, where the public will vote for their favorite images in each category, including: