May 21 - Capcon Enduro‍
July 22, August 12, September 2nd - Montana Enduro Series
August 26 - Big Sky Biggie‍
"I have been thinking on what I want my race season to be about this year. And for me, its all about my growth as a person and a rider."
• Character development: "do it for the soul, not the ego", learning about myself even more on a bike & developing a deeper character; becoming a kinder, less judgemental rider and person (to myself and others) & more inclusive person in general. It's all about my growth as a person and a rider.
• People over Podiums: Who you are as a person, the relationships you cultivate and what your character brings to the table is more important than the wins.
‍• A strong team dedicated and committed to accountability and a healthy lifestyle: taking turns being that extra push to each other that you can't give yourself.
• Branching out and meeting fellow athletes and fitness people in Bozeman: Help to build and be a part of a community of mountain bikers who are dedicated & committed. Building deep & true friendships with people who suffer together.
• HAVING FUN– 'cause life is short and having a blast is more important than podiums. But the funny thing is, I've found that if you let go and feel the flow and just have fun, the wins come and badass riding just comes naturally.
The East- Pittsburgh & West Virginia. I came chasing the adventure-I was looking for Mountains that were bigger & badder.
My outdoor pursuits are EVERYTHING to me. I basically base my life around that. My favorite days are those where I play so hard that as soon as my head hits the pillow, I zonk.
My mountain bike of course! (Rocky Mountain Altitude c90). Her name is Eleanor.
I was at a yoga festival at my home mountain of Snowshoe, WV. These people came off the mountain dressed in body armor, covered in mud and dirt, pushing bikes and I said out loud "what is THAT?! I'd rather be doing THAT". It was all downhill from there ;)
Mountain biking can create a stronger bond than simply just people coming together over a shared interest. There is an almost religion or spiritual ritual happening when mountain bikers enter the “flow state” together on the trail. It’s a special kind of energy and closeness that seems as if you actually access a bit of each others consciousness and for a minute all operate on same wavelength. It’s a shared enthusiasm and connection that you can’t explain that bonds people. It’s science. ;) As an athlete it's important to have a solid community of people committed to suffering alongside you. ;) It’s important to have that strong tribe that also walks the line and can be that extra push to each other when you can't dig deep to motivate yourself on any given day.
I absolutely love the preroll kit because the sleek tin fits perfectly in my fanny for a park day or a long backcountry pedal. I love throwing some lavender petals in there so its extra aromatic when I open it :)